En Sexsi nos encanta disfrutar con diferentes experiencias pero lo que más nos gusta es practicar sexo seguro. Es por eso que te ofrecemos preservativos de calidad, tenemos disponibilidad de:
- Marca One.
- Marca Durex.
El uso de preservativo es un acto de amor propio y respeto hacia ti mismx y tu pareja. Adquiere tus preservativos y diviértete, disfrutando de tu sexualidad de manera sana, responsable y placentera.
Please note that although we endeavour to ensure that the product information displayed on our website is accurate and up to date, Products and their ingredients are liable to change. Due to this, You should always read the label before consuming or using the product and never rely solely on the information presented here. If You require information or have any queries regarding a Grano Organic Own Label product, please contact our Customer Care team. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be reproduced in any way without the prior consent of Grano Organic and ackowledgement.
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